Micah 6:8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee,
When we think of the term walk, we must think of more than our bipedal form of locomotion by which we travel. We must think of or way of life. The Christian life is a life of transformation. That life is not demonstrated in our words, but rather in our walk.
The greatest men in the bible was known by their walk and there is much we can learn form them. The bible says Enoch walked with God.
- First, we must walk with Him, not ask Him to walk with us. We must allow God to set the course. We must follow His principles. Not try to fit him in ours.
- Secondly, we must walk In order for our walk to be effective it must be consistent. Unfortunately, life is not linear. It is full of ups and downs. God is with us through the peaks and the valleys. We must be willing to be with Him.
- Finally, we must walk uprightly with our fellow man. How can we love God whom we cannot see and hate our brother who we see every day?